505: 'This Place is Death'
Wr: Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz
Dr: Paul A. Edwards
Synopsis: Locke takes on the burden to stop the island's increasingly violent shifts through time. Meanwhile, Ben hits a roadblock in his attempt to reunite the Oceanic 6 and bring them back to the island.
Review: Five seasons and five episodes into this most brain-addling of television shows and we still don't really know what that bloody monster made of smoke that makes strange noises and uproots flora, fauna and fucking human beings actually is. Oh sure, it's a 'security system', yeah, well, that's helpful. Now we have an additional titbit thanks to 'This Place is Death': it guards 'the temple'. Riiight. So how come it's made of smoke? And why do images people's pasts seem to appear 'within' it? Huh?! I suppose these questions are on their way to being answered, given that we're now on the home stretch but dammit, I'm getting a little impatient with the thing. And it's only because I love the damn monster so much: I mean, just look at it as it drags poor Montand to his inevitable doom and detaches his body from his arm. It's freaking cool, man. This is a rather nice nod back to the first season (Rousseau mentioned her armless colleague back in the day) and once again, signals that the production staff remain true to their word and are proceeding to provide answers to even the smallest of minutiae that have previously been introduced into the show's mythology. And how about the fact that the monster itself may be responsible for turning people a bit crazy? (My H-bomb theory was shot out of the water). Or is it the temple? Something else? WHAT?!
Remaining on the subject of answers, 'This Place is Death' seems hell bent on putting at least some of the pieces together for us: so now we know Charlotte's history, with official confirmation that yes, she was on the Island long ago and that she believes DANIEL told her not to come back. This, of course, ties with the events in the opening scene of the season as we see Farraday in Marvin Candle's time with the DHARMA Initiative. Doesn't look like he'll actually be able to change anything mind, even though he's apparently going to try (and he should know better... silly, heartbroken Physics expert). And what about her death, eh? Well, I've gotta say, that one threw me. I felt sure they'd save her somehow and that there would be some pay off for Daniel's infatuation but, alas, not. Although, one imagines this will now consume the man and that we're at least going to see little Charlotte very soon. Another prospective jigsaw piece from your friendly neighbourhood television reviewer: Charlotte = Annie? Ben's one true love from his young DHARMA Intiative days? I know it's been mentioned before (and you would think Benjamin might at least have an inkling) but the narrative does seem to be pointing more and more towards the possibility...
...and lo and behold, possibility actually becomes reality this week as Ms Hawking is revealed to be Farraday's mother. Well, no one saw that coming, did they? While her appearance did close the episode, thankfully the revelation did not, but rather her assertion that it is time to 'get to work'... without the other Oceanic Six members, it's worth noting. Honestly, anyone who hadn't figured Elouise out by this point really needs their head examined. Granted, the Elouise reference is rather oblique, given that it requires the viewer to remember a single name from a single episode last season (Daniel's rat, on whom he is performing time travel experiments, has been given this name), but the confluence of Desmond and co. at the church really should have triggered alarm bells if they hadn't been going off already. Personally though, I love this and actually shouted at my screen when the damn episode ended, just when things were about to bloody well get good.
To top all this meaty goodness off, Jacob actually makes a reappearance, helping John to turn the jammed FROZEN DONKEY WHEEL and send himself hurtling across the globe. All very intriguing, obtuse stuff this as it signals that Locke was wrong to let Ben go off the Island: the line 'since when did listening to what he says get you anywhere worth a damn?' is perhaps the most priceless of the season. And if course, more importantly, we actually get to see the time jumps have negative consequences as first the Orchid disappears before the Losties' eyes and then the well goes bye bye as John is descending it. It's about time we saw it impede their progression in a manner other than the food department, at any rate.
'This Place is Death' is a masterfully written, oblique bugger of an episode that moves from one tantalising plot strand to the next - Smokey attacks Rosseau and co.! They go crazy in its temple! Locke meets Jacob again and turns the FROZEN DONKEY WHEEL! Charlotte dies! The gang meet Farraday's mom and it's Ms Hawking! - and manages to throw a few answers our way to boot. It is very much a set up for major events to come, such as Locke's transformation into Jeremy Bentham and the plot to get back to the Island, but at this it works admirably. Plus we get some damn excellent individual scenes all round that demonstrate the wealth of acting ability in the cast: check out Farraday and Charlotte in the woods, Jin as he confronts Locke or, my personal favourite, Ben throwing a hissy fit in his van. A thoroughly successful way to whet everyone's appetite. 9.1
506: '316'
Wr: Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse
Dr: Stephen Williams
Synopsis: The way back to the island is revealed to members of the Oceanic 6, but there's trouble ahead when not all of them wish to return.
Review: While I'm not convinced that '316' deserves the title of 'best episode ever! OMG!' as it seems that many believe on TV.com, this is certainly one heck of a forty one minute ride from showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. Look, as soon as those names appear at the bottom of the screen, you should instantly feel reassured that you are about to witness something at least moderately excellent. As it happens, they hit another home run with this one, managing to suckerpunch their audience with a quick '1,2' by taking the Oceanic Six back to the Island only six (hah!) episodes into the season. So much for all that speculation that they wouldn't return until the end of year five and then we'd spend season six resolving everything. Nice one guys for giving us a delicious story treat this early into the year.
Of course, it wouldn't be Lost if the return to the Island was completely straightforward. A great deal is left unexplained here: what happens to Aaron? Why is Hurley carrying a guitar case? How did Sayid end up in custody? What happened to Ben? Personally, my speculations are as follows: 1. Claire appeared to Kate again and reiterated the point that the boy must not go back to the Island. 2. The guitar case is Charlie's proxy. 3. This is a sort of proxy for Kate. 4. I reckon he went to murder Penny and got more than he bargained for... i.e. a big old battering from Mr. Hume ("You're gonna die Benjamin!" etc.) But obviously, I could be completely off on all counts. It is a little frustrating that we aren't privy to the answers to these somewhat substantial questions and that we simply have to swallow the fact that the three unwillings have somehow been turned (particularly in relation to Kate's insistence that Aaron's name never be mentioned again... that's a nice way to not have to answer this one for a while!) but then, that's Lost for you. Without the mystery, the anticipation that we'll be given answers in the future, where would we be? Admit it: it's fun to speculate and part of you enjoys the feeling of being made to wait another agonising seven days. You know it's true.
And importantly, it's not as if we weren't treated to a lorry load of answers here anyway. The first eleven minutes, in fact, act as one big information dump as Elouise talks a few of the Losties through the purpose of the CRAZY PENDULUM ROOM. This entire sequence is delectably refreshing as, for once, the dialogue actually gives comprehensive, straightforward answers to a series of questions. We learn the room's purpose, its history, how it has achieved its go0al and how Elouise expects to use it to help the Losties. And crucially, it all makes logical sense: of course the DHARMA Initiative would have to find the Island in order to perform its loopy experiments on it. Science is left behind somewhat by the notion of the 'proxy', however, and how replicating the original conditions of arrival will help them get back but then, this dichotomy between faith and science has always been at the very heart of the show. Plus, I'm sure we'll be treated to some further explanation of how all of this works (however questionable it may be) in the future. For example, what happened to the plane? Presumably, the Oceanic Six were caught in one of the temporal shifts - supported by Jin's appearance in DHARMA Initative gear - and this is how they ended up on the Island, but did the plane remain in its present time or has it shifted with them? Does the 'proxy' situation (replicating conditions) somehow limit the scope of the temporal shift to those who have been to the Island before? In which case, where is Lapitus? And could I ask any more questions in one single paragraph?
'316' is a rather unexpected about turn in the ongoing narrative, bringing the Oceanic Six (well, Five... sans Aaron) back to the Island in spectacular fashion a whole hell of a lot earlier than anyone really expected. It's Jack-centric, but it doesn't feel much like it because it is chiefly concerned with progressing the narrative and, particularly in the first quarter of the hour, providing some solid answers to a number of questions that have been lingering for some time. Next week's episode is titled 'The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham' which, presumably, means we're going to see exactly what Locke got up to after he left the Island... and how he committed suicide. And then after that... your guess is as good as mine. Fabulous stuff. 9.2
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