Sunday, 19 December 2010

The 15 #6: 20/12/10

1. Street Brats: Dead End Kids
2. In Case of Fire: Plan A
3. Silversun: Nobody
4. Minus the Bear: Pantsuit... Uggghhh
5. Los Campesinos!: Between an Erupting Earth and an Exploding Sky
6. Lucky Boys Confusion: City Lights
7. Josh Rouse: Under Your Charms
8. Dead Kennedys: Holiday In Cambodia
9. PJ Harvey: This Mess We're In
10. The Automatic: You Shout You Shout You Shout
11. Against Me!: Tonight We're Gonna Give It 35%
12. Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Hysteric
13. Johnny Foreigner: Cranes and Cranes and Cranes and Cranes
14. Random Hand: Answers
15. My Chemical Romance: Helena

And what have we learned from the past six days? That my 19,000 track iPod really, really likes Lucky Boys Confusion.

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