Monday, 3 November 2008

Screenaged Noise: Everclear - 'Wonderful'

I was woken from a Manics-orientated slumber some time in late 1997 by the sound of a curious Beach Boys-cum-Green Day rock song emanating from a cobwebbed car stereo. Said vehicle belonged to my achingly cool uncle, who was already responsible for my introduction to the world of both Nirvana and - for my sins - the Crash Test Dummies. Said rock song was 'So Much For The Afterglow', the lead track from American four piece Everclear's (probably) greatest album. After having been loaned this LP and had it set constantly to 'repeat' on my Super Deluxe Hi-Fi System for about six months, the Manics released 'This Is My Truth' and I promptly forgot all about Art Alexsias and co. Until this lovely ditty came along. As the first single from a set of two concept albums released by the band in 2000-01, 'Wonderful' acted as both the perfect re-introduction to the band and a startling, but glorious, change of direction. Far poppier than much of their previous material, but no less poignant or catchy, the song instantly burrowed its way into my skull and made one heck of an impression. Its genius lies in both its simplicity and its sincerity... qualities to be found in spades on both of the 'Songs From An American Movie' records (though personally, I am slightly more partial to part one, 'Learning How To Smile' than I am part two, 'Good Time For A Bad Attitude'). So... a fine, fine introduction to a God-damn-it-much-more-than-fine band. Spend all your money on their records, you scamps.

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