Thursday, 6 November 2008


To attend the Alice in Wonderland themed house party on Saturday or not? I'm experiencing major costume fail, especially given the way work seems to sap up my schedule. I have toyed with the idea of attending for a couple of hours, out of costume, and then going to the Bunker... and I'd resolved to do that until I found out an important piece of information that might make me err on the side of staying at the party all night.

Teasingly, I am going to leave that nugget to your imaginations. But you can probably guess what it is. So everyone... what do you think?

1. Desperately try to clobber something together in terms of a costume and attend (despite not being at the Bunker a couple of weeks ago too? Shocking, I know!)
2. Attend out of costume and go to the Bunker?
3. Stay away altogether and just Bunker it?

Thoughts please.

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