Monday, 10 January 2011

Comment is free

Fellow blogger Dan.Eliot was clearly moved by my Week in Bullshit Music News post yesterday. So moved, in fact, that after intricately reading every single word, he felt moved to provide the following, considered comment:

Blogger Dan.Eliot said...

Divorce is the end of a happy life. Divorce is certainly an end, but it can also be a beginning to a new and fulfilling life being a singledad or mom. It is possible to build a better life post-divorce than the one you had before. Figure out what it is that you want out of life, and what you need to do to get there. For advice and help Visit:

single Dads

Well thanks Dan for that insightful and enlightening comment. I see you really took your time to absorb everything that was said and provide a measured and thought-provoking response. Mr. Eliot, it's considerate people like you that restore my faith in both the Internet and humanity. Please, call again.

I wouldn't recommend clicking the link to 'Single Dad Financial Help dot com' mind you. Probably for the best.

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