Thursday, 30 October 2008

Screenaged Noise: Eels - 'Last Stop: This Town'

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the wonderfully weird world of Eels. 'Last Stop: This Town' was the first single from their second LP, the critically acclaimed (and deservedly so) Electro-Shock Blues and, really, there's no better introduction to the band. I defy you not to be swaying in time with the music by the time the final run-through of the chorus comes around. And what about that promo video, eh? Talking carrots and everything. What more could you ask for?

PS Download Electro-Shock Blues now if you don't have it: album of 1998, believe me.
PPS Eels' gig at The Sage on March 1 this year is vying for position as performance of the year. (Funny that, Stellastarr* March 1, 2006, Eels March 1, 2008... spooky. Ish.)

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