Tuesday 19 May 2009

Overview: Lost season five

Here it is, the statistical breakdown of my ratings of all the episodes of Lost's fifth season. Marvel.

501: 'Because You Left': 9.5
502: 'The Lie': 9.0
503: 'Jughead': 9.3
504: 'The Little Prince': 8.8
505: 'This Place Is Death': 9.1
506: '316': 9.2
507: 'The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham': 9.3
508: 'LeFleur': 9.4
509: 'Namaste': 9.1
510: 'He's Our You': 8.3
511: 'Whatever Happened, Happened': 8.6
512: 'Dead Is Dead': 9.5
513: 'Some Like It Hoth': 8.0
514: 'The Variable': 9.4
515: 'Follow The Leader': 9.0
516: 'The Incident, part one': 9.4
517: 'The Incident, part two': 9.6

Season average: 9.1

Top 5 episodes
1. 'The Incident, part two' (9.6)
2. 'Dead Is Dead' (9.5)
3. 'Because You Left' (9.5)
4. 'LeFleur' (9.4)
5. 'The Variable' (9.4)

It's worth noting that only four episodes out of the total seventeen scored less than a 9.

Worst episode
513: 'Some Like It Hoth' (8.0)

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