Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Your, you're. Who's, whose. There, their, they're. IT REALLY ISN'T FUCKING DIFFICULT. *explodes*

Being a greedy bugger, I've decided to start up another blog.

It's called Oh, for a Marker Pen...

This one has slightly more of a focus than the inane ramblings of Screenaged Kicks as it is dedicated to demonstrating punctuation misuse (or, indeed, under use), spelling errors and all sorts of other such grammatical failures. Basically, being the pedant that I am, I take a photograph whenever I come across an offending item and post it on the page for the whole world to see. Sad? Pah! Someone needs to set the world to rights. If I see one more idiot writing 'your' instead of 'you're', I swear I'm gonna knock someone's teeth out...

Um. Anyway. Oh, for a Marker Pen... is also an interactive experience. Send your photographic examples of errors from signs/leaflets/newspapers etc. to and I'll post 'em. Shame the bastards. Go on. You know you want to.

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