Thursday, 23 April 2009

Overview: 'Battlestar Galactica' season 4.5

Well, Battlestar Galactica has now thrown down the curtain and joined the choir invisible and we have a complete 'season 4.5' to derive some lovely averages from. So, how did this year's run of episodes fare? Drum roll please...

Ratings for all season 4.5 episodes

411: 'Sometimes A Great Notion': 9.6
412: 'A Disquiet Follows My Soul': 9.2
413: 'The Oath (1/2)': 9.4
414: 'Blood on the Scales (2/2)': 9.2
415: 'No Exit': 9.2
416: 'Deadlock': 8.0
417: 'Someone To Watch Over Me': 9.0
418: 'Islanded in a Stream of Stars': 9.0
419: 'Daybreak, part 1': 8.5
420: 'Daybreak, part 2': 9.5
421: 'Daybreak, part 3': 7.0

Season average?


After so many high scoring episodes (including a phenomenal 9.6 at the start), that's a bit disappointing, really. That slightly less-than-stellar series finale really made an impact.

Best episode: 411: 'Sometimes A Great Notion', scoring a whopping 9.6
Worst episode: 421: 'Daybreak, part 3', coming in at a depressingly average 7.0. Pity that, given that it's the last episode of the show ever!

Best moment: So many to choose from but I have to go with Dee shooting herself in the head in 'Sometimes A Great Notion'. What a shocker. Millions are still reeling.

Worst moment: The notion that 37,000 people would allow all of their technological advances to be flown into the sun and start again, completely from scratch, as savages, as 'Daybreak, part 3' would have us believe. Not on your nelly.

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